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This section deals with national Latino data. It includes data like overall growth of Latinos, national origin of the Latino population, and top Latino cities in the United States. 

Tables Included: 1.1A (Latino Population Growth 1970 – 2020), 1.1B (Latino Population Growth 1970 – 2020), 1.2 (Fifteen States with Largest Latino Population 2010-2020, 1.3 (Selected States with Over 50% Latino Population Growth 2010-2010), 1.4 (Latino Population by Region 2020), 1.5 (The Latino Population by Ancestry Group 2019), 1.6(Latino Dominant Group by State (Over 50%)), 1.7(States Where Latinos are the Largest Minority), 1.8(Cities with Ethnic/Racial Minority-Majority Population 2020), 1.9(U.S. Population by Race & Hispanic Origin 2010-2060), 1.10(Latino Population Growth 1960-2020 and projected Growth 2030-2060).

This section deals with Latino voting and registration data at the national and state level. Interactive Maps demonstrate the change in electoral votes and  include the Latino citizen voting population by State. There are also tables and charts that break down the Latino population by age, education, and percent registered/ turnout. 

Tables Included: 2.1(Latino Citizens of Voting Age and Registered Voters by State 2020), 2.2(States by Latino Citizen Registration), 2.3(Latino Voter Registration and Turnout in Presidential Elections 1972-2020), 2.4(Latino Voter Turnout by Age Group 2020), 2.5(Latino Citizen Voters by Education Group), 2.6(Demographic Profile of Latinos Who Voted in 2020), 2.7(Census Change in Electoral Votes) and 2.8(Latino Voter Turnout 1972-2020).

This section deals with the Latino vote at the Presidential election level. It includes various graphs and tables that breakdown the overall Latino vote in Presidential elections into sub-groups to best analyze changing demographics. Examples include how the Latino vote is distributed by party, by candidate, state, and congressional districts. Included in this chapter are two tables and maps with data provided by Daily Kos that demonstrate the ‘Presidential Margin of Victory’ and ‘Presidential Winner and House Incumbent by congressional district. 

Tables Included: 2020 Congressional Districts by 2020 Presidential Margin, 2020 Presidential Winner and House Incumbent Party by District, 3.1 (The Latino Vote in Presidential Elections 1960-2020), 3.2(The Latino Vote in Presidential Elections 1972-2020), 3.3(Social Group Voting Patterns for Republican Presidential Candidates 1972-2020), 3.4(Social Group Voting Patterns for Democratic Presidential Candidates 1972-2020, 3.5(Latino Voting Age Population (VAP) and Registered Voters in 16 Key Electoral States in 2020) 3.6(Democratic and Republican Incumbents not Seeking Reelection in 2020).

This section deals with the Latino vote during non-presidential elections. It includes a graph of the Latino vote during midterm elections, which public officials have decided not to run for the next midterm election and a demographic profile of Latino midterm voters.

Tables Included: 4.1(Latino Votes Cast in Non-Presidential Elections 1974-2018), 4.2(Demographic Profile of Latinos Who Voted in 2018), 4.3(Registered Latino Voter Turnout by Age Groupe 2018), and 4.4(Democratic and Republican Incumbents not Seeking Reelection in 2022).

This section deals with the 117th Congressional makeup. It includes various charts with all congressional districts broken down into the congressional representative, race/ethnicity of the representative, total minority population, and racial/ethnic breakdown of the congressional district. It also includes tables that demonstrate districts with high percentages of Latinos and district where Latinos can have an impact (close races).

Tables Included: 5.1(Congressional districts by Ethnic/Racial Population, Highest to Lowest), 5.2(Congressional Districts by Total Minority Population and State), 5.3(600,000+ Minority Population), 5.4(500,000-599,000 Minority Population), 5.5(400,000-499,000 Minority Population), 5.6(300,000-399,999 Minority Population), 5.7(200,000-299,999 Minority Population), 5.8(100,000-199,999 Minority Population), 5.9( Latino Majority Districts 50% and Above), 5.10(Latino Near Majority Districts 40%-49.9%), 5.11(Latino Impact Districts 30%-39.9%), 5.12(Latino Swing Districts 20%-29.9%), 5.13(Congressional Districts Elections), 5.14(District Won With Less Than 51% of the Vote), 5.15(Congressional Districts 51-54%), 5.16(Congressional Districts 54-56%), and 5.17(Congressional Districts 56-59%).

This section deals with different Senate and Governorship seats to protect by party. There are maps of different predictions for the elections alongside Latino statistics that demonstrate the immense potential impact Latinos bear in those elections. 

Tables Included: 6.1(Current Senate Landscape), 6.2(Current Governorship Landscape), 6.3(Senate Seats to Protect by Party 2022), 6.4(Swing Seats), 6.5(Open Seats), 6.6(Hotly Contested Seats), 6.7(Contested Governorships 2022), 6.8(Open Governorships), 6.9(Seats to Protect) 6.10(Senate Seats Most Liekly to go Democrat or Republican 2020), 6.11 (Senate Seats Result by Party 2020), and 6.12 (Gubernatorial Results 2020). 

This section deals with data related to State Senate and State House districts. It includes all State Senate and House districts broken down by total minority population (10,000+). They are also broken down by more specific racial/ethnic data for each district. 

Tables Included: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 8.10, 8.11, and 8.12

This section deals with national Latino immigrant data. It includes broader data dealing with overall Latino immigrant numbers over the years and more specific data dealing with voting behavior of the naturalized immigrants versus Latinos born in the United States.

Tables Included: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, and 7.7